COUCOU is an artist led project based at COU COU Studio in the Vale of White Horse in Oxfordshire, a short distance from Oxford. Founded in 2010 it hosts a mix of creative projects and residencies. COUCOU Curator is British/Irish artist Clare Carswell MA(RCA).
COU COU curates exhibitions and performance art events and works with partner arts organisations to do so.
COUCOU facilitates collaborative projects, exhibitions and performance art events with artists in the UK and internationally.
COUCOU encourages experimentation and dialogue between artists, curators and other participants
COUCOU invites selected artists to exhibit, screen or perform new work and promotes the work of artists to new audiences and with the wider community through exhibitions, talks and events.
COU COU supports artists through mentoring and by offering opportunities for professional development. We especially welcome artists who are continuing art practice in later life.
COU COU shares its activities with an art going audience and in the wider community through exhibitions, talks and events.
Contact Details
COU COU Studio
York Cottage
01608 811997
07769 723328