Venue, Timing and Cost
Friday, 23 February 2024 - 7:30pm
£28 stalls / £35 gallery / £5 students
Mel Bonis: Women of Legend (7 pieces)
Clara Schumann: Variations on a Theme by Robert Schumann, Op. 20
Robert Schumann: Waldszenen (Forest Scenes), Op. 82
Robert Schumann: Sonata no. 2 in G minor, Op. 22
Fischer-Dieskau comes to the JdP for a debut programme that couples substantial pieces by two leading nineteenth-century women composers, Mel Bonis and Clara Schumann, with two contrasting pieces by Clara’s husband, Robert. The music of the French composer Mel Bonis (1858-1937) is a key recent rediscovery. Her choice of seven legendary female figures for her piano pieces suggest an interest both in tragedy (Phoebé, Mélisande, Desdémona, Ophélie) and in tales of seduction (Viviane, Omphale and Salomé).
pre-concert talk at 6.45pm
Further Information
01865 305305
St Hilda's: