Blue Stockings

Last edited by recruitment@oxf... on 24 October 2023

Venue, Timing and Cost

The Oxford Playhouse
Friday, 22 March 2024 to Saturday, 23 March 2024
Please visit website for full show listings

By Jessica Swale | Directed by Paul Simpson

Girton College, Cambridge. 1896. Four young women embark on the first year of their higher education, knowing they will never formally graduate or be recognized for their achievements.

Despite their intense studying and matching their male peers across the board academically, they will leave only with the stigma of being a ‘blue stocking’ – an unnatural, educated woman.

Determined to fight their cause, their first tumultuous year sees them facing the huge challenges of the class system, extreme hostility and prejudice, whilst balancing their own competing desires for learning, family, and love.

The Playhouse Young Company, for young people aged 17 – 25, return to the main stage, as they explore Jessica Swale’s witty and celebrated play, charting the journey of these educational pioneers.

Further Information

Contact Details: 

Book now:

Oxford Playhouse, 11-12 Beaumont St, Oxford OX1 2LW
Box Office: 01865 305 305


Young People