Family Sun Print Workshop

Submitted by naturallearning... on March 27, 2023 - 11:16

Venue, Timing and Cost

St Ethelwold's House
Saturday, 13 May 2023
£15 per family (2 adults plus 2 children)

Make a stunning blue and white image using the power of the sun!
Sunprints or ‘cyanotypes’ as they are sometimes known are one of the oldest forms of photography. Use a specially coated paper, lay some cool objects on top and expose it to the rays of the sun. You can use plants, objects, stencils, even your own hands. Then, rinse it in water, like magic your picture will appear, but be warned, it’s mesmerising and totally addictive!
Emma Williams, co-founder of Natural Learning Oxford is an art tutor who specialises in working with children and families.
Book tickets via Eventbrite:

Visual Arts

Children and Families