Oxford Lieder Festival 2022 / From Paris to the Mediterranean

Last edited by OxfordLieder on 5 September 2022

Venue, Timing and Cost

Holywell Music Room, OX1 3SD
Thursday, 27 October 2022
5 pm
£10 / £5 (under 35s)

The French mezzo Anne-Lise Polchlopek, who studied in Spain as well as Paris, and Italian-American pianist Elenora Pertz present a sun-soaked Mediterranean journey in song. They move from France – Fauré, Viardot and others – to Italy, where they roam from Alessandro Scarlatti to Rossini, Tosti and Bellini. From there, they head to Spain, with a wonderful group of songs by Fernando Obradors. A truly uplifting afternoon to transport us back into summer!

For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit https://www.oxfordlieder.co.uk/event/1498

Further Information

Contact Details: 

Oxford Lieder: https://www.oxfordlieder.co.uk/events
Box Office email: boxoffice@oxfordlieder.co.uk
Box Office phone: 01865 591276 (opening hours: Monday-Friday, 11am-4pm)


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