Collagraph and Monoprint with Janet Lueck

Submitted by Oxford Printmakers on March 29, 2022 - 10:23

Venue, Timing and Cost

Oxford Printmakers, Tyndale Road, Oxford OX4 1JL
Thursday, 15 September 2022 to Sunday, 18 September 2022
Thursday 15th September & Sunday 18th September 10am-4pm

Day 1: making collagraph plates from your own ideas, using a mount card base, and range of different materials and cutting techniques to explore surface marks & textures to achieve different tonal values.

Day 2: printing your plates, using specialist printing inks, papers and the etching presses at the workshop. Different inking techniques are explored. Combining both monoprinting & collagraph techniques are demonstrated, and can be experimented with by students.

This course enables students to become probationary members of the workshop to access facilities, with view to becoming a permanent member.

Janet Lueck is an Oxford based printmaker with a considerable teaching & tutoring background, & PGCE qualification.

Further Information

Contact Details: 

tel. 07990 642 148 or email:

Crafts and Applied Arts
Visual Arts
