Professional/Advanced level dance workshops with Richard Chappell Dance

Submitted by Claire Thompson on February 2, 2022 - 10:56

Venue, Timing and Cost

United Reformed Church, Banbury Road, Oxford
Tuesday, 15 March 2022
10.00 – 12.30pm & 1.30 – 4.00pm
Per workshop: £20 (£15 for ODF Members), Both workshops £35 (£25 for ODF Members)
Richard Chappell Dance

Booking esential as numbers will be limited.

Morning workshop – This session will be a sharing of Richard Chappell Dance’s movement practice, blending forms of contemporary dance and improvisation to encourage a healthy way for the body to expand and breathe through movement. We will explore the ways that the company finds middle ground between our performers dancing and how we use our physical training to merge seamlessly with our choreographic processes and play.

Afternoon workshop – This session will focus creatively on interdisciplinary practise and how the companys’ values of co-authorship and collaboration impact on our work and research. Richard will share reflections and examples of his work with artists such as sculptor Anna Gillespie (Still Touch, Royal Opera House), filmmaker Daniel Martin (Heart Land, BBC Arts) and violinist Enyuan Khong (Infinite Ways Home, Exeter Northcott). In this session we will explore physical tasks to respond to different media and content, alongside a discussion and reflection about transparency, needs and communication skills when working cross art form.

To Book:-

Further Information


Professional Training