Venue, Timing and Cost
"Hold Still in your turning,
In the night, a candle burning"
At this time of darkness, take a break from the bright lights and bustle for a spell of song, story and stillness. In the first half, we will teach some simple songs to slow us down and connect with winter. Then, after a break, we will gather by candlelight to sing, settle into silence, and listen to a story. No singing experience is needed.
This event is a collaboration between Emily Marshall – community choir leader, and Jackie Singer – singer and storyteller.
Doors Open 4.15pm for refreshments - hot drinks and cake will be available.
Tickets: £10 / concession £5 / children £3*
At Florence Park Community Centre , Cornwallis Road, OX43NH.
*If your children would enjoy a quiet, meditative space, they are welcome to join us, but please note this event is not specifically aimed at children.
10% of profits to support the Over 60s Lunch Club at Florence Park Community Centre
Covid 19 Guidelines: We are delighted to be able to meet again in person, after several online gatherings, but please stay at home if you feel unwell. Chairs will be spaced for social distancing, and the room will be well ventilated. Please bring an extra layer and a rug to be cosy.
Please book on eventbrite. Link in contacts below.
Further Information
Book here on eventbrite:
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