Venue, Timing and Cost

Friday, 16 October 2020 - 7:00pm
**JdP Series 20-21, Virtual Event**
Maki Sekiya, the musician-in-residence at Green Templeton College, is one of Oxford’s most popular performers, whose piano concerts are widely acclaimed for her breathtaking technique and beguilingly original interpretations. After her exceptional concert of Beethoven, Chopin and Schumann last year, she will perform one of the greatest works in the 20th century piano repertoire, Messiaen’s monumental and profoundly moving “Twenty Contemplations of the Baby Jesus”.
Messiaen Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant Jésus
This event will be the first concert of the 20-21 season here at the JdP. We are very excited to welcome back Maki and hope that under the current circumstances, this virtual event will be the first step along the road to re-opening.
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