CARU | Arts re Search Annual Conference 2019

Last edited by contact.caru on 20 November 2019

Venue, Timing and Cost

Chakrabarti Lec Theatre, Oxford Brookes University
Sunday, 8 December 2019
11am-6pm (registration starts at 10.30am)
£30 / Early Bird Tickets (£20) are available until 1st December - includes lunch & refreshments

Date: Sunday, 8th December 2019
Time: 11am – 6pm (Registration starts at 10.30am)
Location: Chakrabarti Lecture Theatre, John Henry Brookes Building, Headington Campus,Oxford Brookes University, Headington Road, Oxford. OX3 0BP

"What does it mean to research through creative practice?"

Keynote Speaker:
Dr Kate Carruthers Thomas (School of Social Sciences, Birmingham City University)

CARU brings together artists and researchers for yet another day of cross-disciplinary exploration into creative research. This year, we are delighted to welcome Dr Kate Carruthers Thomas as the keynote speaker, who will open the event with a talk on ‘Creative Practice as Research’.

Dr Kate Carruthers Thomas is a Senior Research Fellow and Athena SWAN Project Manager at Birmingham City University, UK. Kate specialises in interdisciplinary enquiry into contemporary higher education, gender and inequalities, using poetics and graphics as well as more conventional academic forms to present and discuss her work. Kate is an experienced presenter and workshop facilitator, a published poet and an accidental cartoonist! @drkcarrutherst

11.00-11.10 Welcome
11.10-12.00 Keynote: Dr Kate Carruthers Thomas
12.00-12.20 Speaker 1: Peta Lloyd ‘Section 4 -Action’
12.20-12.40 Speaker 2: Nuoran Zhang ‘Rose & Godzilla - The Spirit Evocation of Fragility and Trauma’
12.40-13.00 Speaker 3: José Mario Dellow ‘Research starts at home - International adoption and the family’
13.00-13.20 Speaker 4 Amnard Pimmasri ‘Dynamic document-film:an exploration of digital participatory filmmaking with mobile phone in and for documenting gay relationships in rural Thailand’
13.20-14.20 Lunch
14.20-14.40 Speaker 5: Harriet Carter 'Painting as birdsong? Transposition as method of research practice between the auditory and the visual'
14.40-15.00 Speaker 6: Dr Paul Nataraj ‘You Sound Like a Broken Record’
15.00-15.20 Speaker 7: Dr Sebastiane Hegarty ‘Tapping the air: ghosts, landscape and technology’
15.20-15.40 Speaker 8: Fabio Fabbri ‘Techniques and terminology for the analysis of electroacoustic music and more’
15.40-16.20 Break
16.20-16.40 Speaker 9: Jenny Parrott ‘With or Without - a dance in theory and practice’
16.40-17.00 Speaker 10: Dr Helena Fox ‘Sense Perception and Imagination: Aesthetic Awareness in Clinical Practice. An Arts and Practice-Based Exploration’
17.00-17.20 Speaker 11: Gal Leshem ‘Looking Back At Where We Were - Collaborative Research As Community Engaged Art’
17.20-17.40 Speaker 12: Aldobranti Fosco ‘Book publication as artistic practice’
17.40-18.00 Closing with ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Peta Lloyd & Annie Wright

For more information, please contact:

Delegate/Attendance fee:
£30 / Early Bird Tickets (£20) are available until 1st December - includes lunch & refreshments
Book your place at:

We look forward to seeing you there!

CARU Conference Team

Follow us on social media: @CARUpage

Further Information

Contact Details: 
Multi Artform
Crafts and Applied Arts
Film and Animation
Museums and Heritage
New Media
Outdoor Arts
Visual Arts
Written and Spoken Word

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