David Bednall Organ Recital

Submitted by valtate_uk on July 16, 2019 - 14:21

Venue, Timing and Cost

St Peter's Wolvercote Sat 27 July 7.30pm
Saturday, 27 July 2019
£10 (under 18s free) Retiring collection in aid of Wolvercote Young Peoples' Club

David played the Inaugural Recital on St Peter’s Jennings Organ in 2016. He returns to play pieces by Bach, Vierne, Howells and Parry.

David is recognized as one of the leading choral composers of his generation. He completed a PhD in Composition with Prof John Pickard at the University of Bristol. He is a Teaching Fellow and Organist of The University of Bristol, Sub Organist at Bristol Cathedral and conducts The University Singers. He studied with Dr. Naji Hakim and David Briggs and was Assistant Organist at Wells Cathedral.
David was Organ Scholar at The Queen’s College, Oxford and Gloucester Cathedral. He spent periods there as Acting Director of Music and Acting Assistant Organist and was closely involved with the Three Choirs Festival.
He won prizes in Improvisation and Performance at the examination for Fellow of The Royal College of Organists and has given recitals at La Trinité, Paris, and many English Cathedrals. In June 2008 he gave a recital at Notre-Dame de Paris.

Further Information

Contact Details: 

St Peter's Wolvercote, First Turn, Oxford OX2 8AQ
Tickets available on the door


Young People