Submitted by matthew.maier on January 21, 2019 - 17:23
Venue, Timing and Cost
St Mary's Church, Great Milton
Sunday, 24 February 2019
Registration 3.00pm, performance 6.00pm
£10 for singers and audience (includes a glass of wine)

Great Milton Singers and Wheatley Singers warmly invite you to
Come and Sing (or come & listen to) Fauré’s Requiem in St Mary’s Church, Great Milton
on Sunday 24th February 2019
Rehearsal starts: 3.30pm (registration/music collection from 3.00pm)
Performance: 6.00pm
Musical Director - Kate Billimore
All tickets (to include a glass of wine): £10.00 available on the door, or in advance from Paul Walton (contact details below):
Further Information
Contact Details:
Paul Walton 01865 873456