Wassail Singing Workshop

Submitted by katherinelucas on January 6, 2019 - 14:32

Venue, Timing and Cost

Finstock Village Hall
Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Come and learn wassails - old and new - they fall into two traditions - one being the neighbour visiting kind (think carol singing) asking for money and the other being the apple/fruit tree wassails to exhort the trees to produce a good harvest. Old Twelvy (12th night) was in the Gregorian calendar, on Jan 17th, so we are not far out with the 15th. On the 19th is our Wassail Ceilidh where we will sing the wassails during the events of that evening. Don't feel obliged to come of course but there will be more fun to be had there for sure! Experienced community choir leader Kath Lucas will be leading this 2 hour workshop

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