Dance in the Park, 5 July (2017)

Submitted by AndrewWood on June 30, 2017 - 13:46

Venue, Timing and Cost

Keble Gate, University Parks, Parks Rd, Oxford
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
19.30 - 21.30 (or dusk when the park closes!)
People dancing Contact Improvisation ouside

Come and dance or learn to dance, contact improvisation/ contact tango with us in University Parks, Oxford. All welcome. We're meeting 7.30pm at Keble Gate, University Parks (not the main gate!) which is at the intersection of Keble Road & Parks Road, to find a spot in the park. There is an optional introductory session or simply come to dance. Note: no amplified music is allowed in the park but acostic instruments welcome.

Contact improvisation is a dance which originated in the 1970’s and which has now spread throughout the world. It’s often taught in university dance courses but it’s easy to learn and fun. It’s an improvised dance - a dialogue in movement - which has a fluid and dynamic form, and it’s social dancing; not stage dancing. Suitable for everyone, whatever your age, gender or dancing experience.

Please bring a water bottle and wear loose clothing in which you can move freely.

Cost: Free!

Location: Meeting at Keble Gate, University Parks, Parks Road, Oxford. The gate is opposite the intersection of Keble Road & Parks Road. Keble Gate is shown on this map):

You can also see a picture of Keble Gate on Google's Streetview too:,-1.2578474,3a,52.5y,10.33h,81.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_p5_2BZFTBpkp_wqCXbeKw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

Time: 7.30 - 9.30 pm(or dusk - when the park closes!).

Poster/flyer with map: Please print-out and display this poster (PDF):

This is our maxim: All life a dance; everyone a dancer; every moment a dance

Further Information
