We are seeking an emerging photographer/facilitator to lead creative photography sessions for adults as part of the Hidden Spire Collective, exploring the theme of Hidden Histories.
Who are the Hidden Spire Collective?
The Hidden Spire Collective is a creative collaboration between Arts at the Old Fire Station and the homelessness charity Crisis. The collective is a group of creative people and is open to current and former Crisis clients and anybody from the Oxford/shire community over the age of 18.
For more information about the Hidden Spire Collective, please head to the website - https://www.hiddenspire.co.uk/
The project sessions will run at The Old Fire Station for 10 weeks on Wednesday afternoons from 2.15 to 4.30 pm starting on May 15th.
Please visit our website for more information about this opportunity and how to apply. https://oldfirestation.org.uk/about/vaca...
Deadline: 12noon Wednesday 24 April 2024
Interviews will be held on Wednesday, 1 May 2024