Marketing maternity cover

Submitted by The Theatre Chi... on May 5, 2023 - 11:56
Salary / Fee: 
£11.42 - £12.50 dependent on experience
Closing Date: 
Wednesday, 24 May, 2023

We are recruiting for a Marketing Officer/Head of Marketing to join our small, friendly marketing team as a maternity cover for a minimum of 9 months. The role will work alongside a full-time Marketing Officer.

This role will play a vital part connecting over 50,000 people each year to our diverse programme of theatre, comedy, music, film and participatory activities. Add to this our own created theatre work and an acclaimed participatory programme and you will understand the pride Chipping Norton and beyond has for our unique theatre.

The role will have a particular focus on leading on major marketing campaigns, branding, data analysis and print schedules. It will also take over an ongoing project to work with web developers to redesign and relaunch The Theatre’s website. The role requires budget management and working closely with the Artistic Director, programming and fundraising staff at the heart of an ambitious and welcoming team.

This role is a key position at the theatre working alongside our Director to market and promote The Theatre and everything that goes on here. It is a fantastic opportunity to work at the heart of an ambitious team, and gain further experience of marketing a combination of theatre-produced work, received shows, and workshops in a beautiful theatre in a beautiful part of the world. We are a very welcoming team and are always keen to invest in our staff and their futures.

Contact Details: 

To apply for this role, please download a job pack which you can find here
Complete an Application Form and an Equal Opportunities Form. Then send these completed forms to

If you would like to find out more about the role, or have an informal chat with one of the team, please give us a call on 01608 642349.
