Combing music, craft and technology; Re-resonate develop and deliver innovative participatory arts projects with adults and children in both mainstreams and specialist community settings. In inclusive and highly engaging workshops we build musical instruments, create installations, compose, perform and produce music and generally explore the creative potential of sound in order to kindle imaginations and nurture positive skills and insights. We are small community organisation led by two highly skilled practitioners: composer and music leader Ashton Mills, and Sculptor and craft leader Jonny Wild.
Re-resonate's aim is to make music tangible. We do this by approaching it from a number of angles. By combining the physical nature of making, the spacial nature of installation art and the evocativeness of storytelling to create sounds that are felt, built and seen as well as played and heard. We began as an alternative provision for a college for looked after children. Our aim was to take upcycled music beyond elastic band guitars and yoghurt pot shakers and work with tools such as drills and saws to produce instruments that would sound rather than look musical. We developed a project that engaged children in challenging circumstances and offered an immersive experience whilst working flexibly in response to their needs. The group built musical instruments from scrap and composed and recorded original music on them. We discovered the potential for quality composition using visual approaches and music technology; enabling non-musicians to create music of standard they were proud of. Building on this initial success we grew into an organisation that continued to develop and deliver innovative, bespoke projects with partners in the community and achieving a wide range of successful outcomes including : a set of semi-permanent outdoor musical instruments built with children (with South Oxford Adventure Playground,) an interactive electronic installation created with YP on the autism spectrum (with Autism Family Support ,) a carnival procession with recycled instruments (with Fusion Arts,) as well as achieving quality engagement in schools, youth clubs and other settings.
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