Julie Edwards & Ron Thompson are Planet Art – an arts partnership based in the Midlands who have worked together for over twenty years.
Our practice covers many areas: – Experienced artists creating work for the public realm, delivering complex projects with multiple agencies. The work often linked to large scale redevelopment programmes, heritage and conservation projects, working closely with planners, architects, highways agency, developers. Managing and implementing consultation, design, planning applications, complete fabrication, and installation.
Our clients include:- Telford and Wrekin Council, Studley / Warwickshire Council, Walsall MBC, Birmingham City Council, Burrs Country Park Manchester, Grimsby fishing heritage centre, British waterways Museum Goole, Blist’s Hill Telford, Nottingham CC, Nottingham Castle, Women’s International business centre Liverpool, Chesterfield football club, Wilson Bowden, Morris Homes, Chesterfield Council, Birmingham University, Newman college University, Waterways trust, Nuneaton & Bedworth council, FAT’s architects, Countryside services, Dudley MBC, Wrens Nest, Glen Howells architects, Council Regional Auvergne France, Le Puy en Velay children’s hospital, Hull time based media, Power Gen, Bury MBC, Manchester CC, Sandwell Council, Morrison’s, Mary Elliot school, Nightingale architects, Sainsbury’s, Wolverhampton Council. National memorial Arboretum, Arboretum Walsall, Wildlife trust, Belfast arts council, East Belfast Council, Worcester CC.
Contact Details
call 07906115979 or 01922 861680
e mail planetartsculpture@gmail.com or wardsjulie@aol.com