Becky Moseley-Morgan

Last edited by Beckymm on 29 November 2018
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Becky is a professional singer who has worked with major British Opera companies and performed widely across Europe, USA, Japan and Hong Kong.

Currently she teaches, conducts and researches. She is close to finishing her PhD at University College London, on the functionality of the mature female voice and the primary evidence collected during this study underpins her teaching methodology. She lectures and gives workshops on maintaining the functionality of the voice and she has a large voice studio in Kidlington specialising in teaching and rehabilitating the mature voice.

Her workshops on vocal technique teach the singer how to exercise the voice appropriately in order to keep it functioning effectively, and that the singer is both the musician and the instrument in one body. Both require effective training.

Becky is Chair of Education of the British Voice Association who promote vocal health and science, she is an adjudicator for the British and International Federation of adjudicators and she continues to perform regularly as a solo recitalist.

Singing is good for your health and self esteem, so keep singing regularly!

Contact Details

Oak House
40A Mill st
Oxon OX5 2EF
M:07867 792443

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Post date: Sunday, 11 November 2018