Venue, Timing and Cost
COU COU presents BOLD an evening of performance art in Oxford. 8 established performance artists from London and Oxford, will perform short live works in the welcoming space of Common Ground Café, Little Clarendon St.
Artists are : Veronica Cordova de la Rosa, Jack Catling, Philip Lee, Stavroula Kounadea, Aaron Williamson, Peta Lloyd, Austin Sherlaw-Johnson, Clare Carswell
The artists address various themes in their work. Re-birth, the comedy of ageing, tensions in social interaction, cultural identity and the improbability and humour of the imagination come together in what will be a fascinating evening.
There will be nudity and so we advise that the event may not be suitable for children.
Further Information
Clare Carswell at COU COU
Venue :
Common Ground Café Workspace
37-38 Little Clarendon St
Tickets are £10 on sale at the door. Limited capacity.
Advance booking advised at :