The Adventures of the Little Red Hen

Submitted by Charlotte Westgate on May 15, 2024 - 08:16

Venue, Timing and Cost

The Beacon
Friday, 31 May 2024
The animated image of the Adventures of the Little Red Hen with the red hen popping out of the middle of the image

Visit the incredible world of Stuff and Nonsense.

Making bread is hard work, but it would be a lot easier if the lazy farmyard animals got off their reclining sofas and lent a hand! Join our plucky little hen as she finds her own way to get stuff done.

An energetic adaptation of this much-loved story, featuring a breath-taking combination of brilliant puppetry, live music and unforgettable comedy.

Stuff and Nonsense are well-known for their clever, captivating storytelling, ingenious staging and ability to make us all laugh.

“Truly one of the best performances I have seen. Fully enjoyed by all 3 generations.”

Stuff and Nonsense Audience Member

Further Information


Children and Families