Venue, Timing and Cost
From Saturday 18 March to 2 April, the Oxford Art Society is, for the second time, holding its members’ exhibition at the Kendrew Barn.
The organisers say: ‘The Oxford Art Society are honoured to be once again holding their annual exhibition in The Kendrew Barn, St John's College, Oxford.
This year promises to be more exciting than ever. The exhibition fills four galleries and even that wasn't enough for all the wonderful work submitted. With so many exciting new members and a change in command, this exhibition is a first for our new chairman Amanda Jewell (Curator of the Sewell Gallery, Radley) and our president, the very prestigious Kathleen Soriano (well known on TV for her role in Portrait and Landscape artist of the year) but also a very prominent Art curator and advisor in the art world. We have two very experienced exhibition managers, Jeremy Morgan and Claire Venables who have done a magnificent job of putting up this show and a team of very generous members to help with hanging.
The exhibition will be opened by David Isaac CBE, Provost at Worcester College, and also present will be Hannah Payne, our guest selector from Meakins + Parsons gallery in North Parade.
This is one very special event not to be missed.’
The exhibition is open 11 am to 6 pm (free of charge) and everyone is welcome.
Further Information
Location: Kendrew Barn at St John's College, Oxford, OX13JP