Oxford Lieder Festival 2022 / Journeys End in Lovers' Meeting

Last edited by OxfordLieder on 30 August 2022

Venue, Timing and Cost

Trinity College: Levine Building, OX1 3BH
Thursday, 20 October 2022
5.15 pm
£12 / £5 (under 35s)

Presented in association with the International Lied Festival Zeist

As a key part of our artistic exchange with prominent international song festivals, we are proud to host each other’s Young Artists, and in this instance to showcase the best emerging Dutch talent via the International Lied Festival Zeist. Vincent Kusters (Baritone) and Charlie Bo Meijering (Pianist) are an exceptional duo, having already won various international competitions together. They perform songs by Schubert, Schumann and Fauré, all with their origins in close friendships, as well as Gerald Finzi's 'Let us Garlands Bring', settings of Shakespeare that were dedicated to Vaughan Williams and premiered on his 70th birthday.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit https://www.oxfordlieder.co.uk/event/1467

Further Information

Contact Details: 

Oxford Lieder: https://www.oxfordlieder.co.uk/events
Box Office email: boxoffice@oxfordlieder.co.uk
Box Office phone: 01865 591276 (opening hours: Monday-Friday, 11am-4pm)


Young People