Venue, Timing and Cost

We are thrilled to welcome back the astonishing duo of Marie-Laure Garnier and Célia Oneto Bensaid, who have given two memorable concerts for us in recent years. Tonight, they are joined by one of France’s most exciting emerging quartets, Quatuor Hanson. Fauré’s 'La bonne Chanson', in the composer’s version with string quartet, voice and piano, is at the heart of the programme, as well as two works by his friend and contemporary Ernest Chausson for the same forces: the haunting Chanson perpétuelle and extraordinary 'Poème de l’amour et de la mer'. They also include songs by Charlotte Sohy, increasingly recognised as a leading French composer of the early 20th century.
For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit
Further Information
Oxford Lieder:
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Box Office phone: 01865 591276 (opening hours: Monday-Friday, 11am-4pm)