Venue, Timing and Cost
Zelga Simone Miller
Zelga Miller’s work is evidence of a desire to look beyond the obvious.
Inherent is her drive to uncover the truth of what is and what was. Whether working with woodcut, moving image, acrylic, collage, charcoal, pastel or oil, Miller’s works speak at once of peeling back layers to reveal what lies beneath.
Literal movement and a sense of transition are often encountered within her work. Line is ever- present as is a love of colour as an expression of hope. Surreal composites and an evolving lexicon of characters combine with a playfulness of composition to create a narrative of personal reflection.
Her intention is that whatever the subject or medium, colour or monochrome, each image should convey an assemblage of meaning beyond the simplicity of the scene.
Miller began her Fine Art studies late, starting with Central St Martins where she learnt the basics of oil painting in 2017. From here she taught herself to draw, starting her MFA in Fine Art at Wimbledon College of Arts (UAL) and completing it at Oxford Brookes University. She is a mentor with Koestler Trust and in 2019 founded the artist-collective Portable.
The fundamental nature of her enquiry lies within the question “who are we and why?”