Venue, Timing and Cost
CARU | Arts re Search Conference 2018
Date: Sunday, 25th November 2018
Time: 11am – 6.15pm (Registration starts at 10.30am)
Location: Chakrabarti Lecture Theatre & JHB207,
John Henry Brookes Building, Headington Campus,
Oxford Brookes University, Headington Road, Oxford. OX3 0BP
"What does it mean to research through creative practice?"
Keynote Speaker: Dr Geof Hill (Birmingham City University)
Book your ticket here:
10.30 - 11-00 Registration
Event Schedule: Chakrabarti Lecture Theatre
11.00 Welcome
11.05 Keynote Speaker: Dr Geof Hill – Creative Practice as Research
12.00 Speaker 1a Denise Ackerl
Performing resistance in Post-Fordism – an academic/artistic investigation of research impact and its collisions in practice-based research
12.30 Speaker 2a John Garrad
Muted by the Net – With populist authoritarianism in the ascendency is altruism in decline and what is the effect on artists and their practice?
13.00 Speaker 3a Annelinde Kirchgaesser
Can theory be practice? and other dilemmas of a social sculpture practitioner
14.00 Speaker 4a Dimitra Gkitsa
In re-search of the traumatic through curatorial practice
14.30 Speaker 5a Salem Al Qudwa
Photography in a ‘Fragile’ Design Process
15.00 Speaker 6a Kristina Anilane
Curating the city: Observations of an emerging global urban initiative
15.30 Speaker 7a Dr Alessandro Melis & Dr J. Antonio Lara-Hernandez
Fonte Mazola Park of Culture in Italy
16.30 Speaker 8a Anne Griffiths
Are Facts Like Cornflakes?
17.00 Speaker 9a Gill Brown
Visual Elements & Visual Paradigms: using graphic design practice to research the visual languages of science
17.30 Speaker 10a Michael E. Boyle
Scores and Sketchbooks as Cognitive Artefacts: Exploring Cognitive Theories through (and in?) Musical Composition
18.00 Conference closing – with Margin by Alex Newton
Event Schedule: JHB207
12.00 Speaker 1b Ann Marie Newton
The wonder of weaving
12.30 Speaker 2b Sally Bailey
A Space of Exchange: Exploring Mess, Play and Failure as Method
13.00 Speaker 3b Ana Rutter & Sophie Hedderwick
A conversation around archiving the un-archivable and recording the un-recordable
14.00 Speaker 4b Genna Gardini
The Patron Saint of Multiple Sclerosis and Ice Skating: Research and playwriting
14.30 Speaker 5b Rhiannon Evans
How I learned from the Hill
15.00 Speaker 6b Hilly Raphael
Reflections from two voices: performing the data
15.30 Speaker 7b Christina Vasileiou
National Day Celebration?? Discovering a Pedagogy of the Self Through Participatory Performance in the Making of a Primary School Show
16.30 Speaker 8b Stephanie Spindler
Love Laws
17.00 Speaker 9b Mimi Tobot
Perception of the Beautiful for the over fiftys
17.30 Speaker 10b Tory Gillespie
But The Frog Dies: Stand-up Comedy Practice as Research
Delegate/Attendance fee: £30 / Early Bird Tickets (£20) are available until 18th November - includes lunch & refreshments
We'll be posting speaker information leading up to the event so keep an eye out for our Facebook event page:
This event is supported by the School of Arts at Oxford Brookes University and the Oxford City Council.
For a digital copy of the event booklet and more information please contact:
We look forward to seeing you there!
CARU Conference Team
Follow us on social media: @CARUpage