Venue, Timing and Cost

CARU | Arts re Search Conference 2016
"What does it mean to research art / to research through art?"
Time/Date: 11am–7pm on Sunday, 4th December 2016
Location: Chakrabarti Lecture Theatre; Gipsy Lane Campus, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford OX3 0BP
Organised by CARU | Contemporary Arts ReSearch Unit
Keynote Speaker: Professor Kerstin Mey (Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of School of Media, Arts and Design - University of Westminster
CARU brings together artists and researchers for yet another day of cross-disciplinary exploration into arts research, with an exciting mixture of talks and performances. This year, we are delighted to welcome Professor Kerstin Mey as the keynote speaker, who will open the event with a talk on “The ‘discipline’ of art and the ‘making’ of knowledge”.
Presentations include:
“How Do Artists Use Media Archaeology of 3D Technologies for Creative Exploration of Site?” Tom Milnes / Falmouth University
“O A R: Publishing and Curating Practice Based Research Online” Jessyca Hutchens and Naomi Vogt / Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford
“The under rated art of cleaning” Sarah Younan / Freelance artist
“It’s really interesting but I don’t understand it” Peta Lloyd / Oxford Brookes University
“Dancing with the affective force of creative bodies” Sarah-Mace Dennis: Filmmaker, Writer, Artist
“Researching Accented Cinema through Practice” Dr Itandehui Jansen / University of Edinburgh
“Exploring the potential of creative drama as a learning tool in museums and heritage” Claire Frampton / Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
“Decoding Postures of Art, Science and Technology as a research process” Daniel Romero-Nieto / Norwegian University of Science and Technology
“Hieros Gamos - the Sacred Marriage Rites” Dr Lisa Streitfeld / European Graduate School
“Art & Poetry for Performance” Diana Moore / Writer & Performer
“Embedded Research Approach to Collaborative Arts Practice” Tiffaney Bishop / University of Melbourne
“SHAPES: Creating Digital Simulacra of Abstract Art” Terry Trickett / Architect, Trickett Associates
Keynote Talk: “The ‘discipline’ of art and the ‘making’ of knowledge” Professor Kerstin Mey
While the disciplines of art reach back to Antiquity, the ‘discipline’ (at work) that art brings to the ‘making of knowledge’ remains a contested field in the 21 century. Current debates are informed by the growing institutionalisation of art and its modes of inquiry since the amalgamation of independent art schools into multi-disciplinary universities as it happened in the UK since the early 1990s or the change of status of art academies into Universities with research degree awarding powers. These developments were interconnected with the establishment of practice based research and the implementation of respective PhD programmes. ‘Art as research ‘ got institutionally underpinned through the establishment of research infrastructures for the creative and performing arts including career trajectories and funding streams. On the other hand, government foci on the ‘knowledge society’, the creative industries and the digital economy have put the arts under pressure to legitimsie their role in society including their ‘utility’ and impact. As part of the ‘business’ of education, science and research, art as research is increasingly subject to evaluation, measuring, transparency and accountability.
The presentation aims to explore some of the current conditions for art as research. What dose the application of established research paradigms and practices of inquiry mean for the ‘discipline’ of arts based research, its potential to ‘make knowledge’ and to contribute to the understanding of the world, of ourselves and each other? What are the potential of and challenges for art as research within an increasingly heterogeneous science and research landscape, and particularly with regard to established and emergent inter-, trans-, multi- and post-disciplinary approaches? How does the quest for the ‘autonomy’ of an arts based inquiry relate to the heteronomy of research agendas? How do current debates impact on the ‘order of knowledge’, normative powers and the dynamic relationship between the arts, the sciences and society?
Delegate/Attendance fees: £20 (Students £15) - includes lunch & refreshments
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