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t-Art, an evolution or a revolution in the field of contemporary art? Socially minded international exhibition series launches in Oxford
‘Thoughts Become Art’ announces radical new socially minded approach to the field of contemporary art with inaugural exhibition at SAID Business School, Oxford.
OPENING EVENT 14 October 2016 (6pm-9:30pm), following exhibitions will be held in Berlin, New York, Majorca, Hong Kong and London.
Thoughts Become Art (, a non-profit project with big social goals explores the emergence of a new category of contemporary art, t-Art. Founded on the synergies between art, science and technology, this autonomous and upwardly aspiring approach to art and life aims to enable and inspire social transformations that will contribute to the well being of all humans.
Thoughts Become Art Oxford, the first in a series of international exhibitions brings together a diverse group of established and emerging artists who have been invited to respond to one of five contemporary themes; ‘Back to the Roots’ channels the legacy of the cave painters to focus on the initial purpose of art and the essential matters of today. ‘Love Spirit’ asks if your daily thoughts, decisions, and actions were based solely on love and passion, how would your world look? ‘Beauty of Simplicity’ gets to the heart of the matter and is about a way to simplify things – if less is more, what remains? ‘Unconditional Basic Income’ questions the extent to which our daily life would change if we were provided with an unconditional basic income? And finally, ‘Social Digital Currency and Blockchain’ assesses how a digital currency, which has the potential to democratise and improve the financial system might bring benefits to all.
Exhibitors have been selected for their creative exploration and their ability to communicate innovative and imaginative developments that offer solutions to the most significant social challenges of our time. So is t-Art an evolution or a revolution within the infinitely diverse field of art? That is yet to be seen, but contributors to the first in this series of exhibitions to be staged over a two-year period can consider themselves the first pioneers to be venturing into this as yet unknown artistic territory and as a part of the founding history of a project that has far reaching humanitarian aspirations.
The primary aim of t-Art is to support and inspire individuals who strive to generate positive social impact, simultaneously benefiting the wellbeing of the artist or creator themselves. One of the first prototypes t-Art is going to introduce is a framework which provides an unconditional basic income for up to 1000 artists, scientists and freelancers worldwide within the next 5 years. Would you like to be a part of it? Regardless of your age, profession, ethnic, cultural or educational background and whether you consider yourself an artist or not, t-Art looks forward to welcoming you into our newly established community.
Thoughts Become Art Oxford Event, 14 October 2016, SAID Business School, Park End St, Oxford, OX1 1HP
For more information about Thoughts Become Art Oxford and how to become a t-art artist please contact: Dr Maris Palmi +44 (0)7423 615800
Follow Thoughts Become Art on Twitter: @TBAOxford
Further Information
Dr Maris Palmi +44 (0)7423 615800