7. Maintenance and decommissioning

The artist should, as part of their role, produce a maintenance plan with all technical specifications and other relevant issues clearly considered through all stages of the commission. This should also include routine cleaning methods and minor repairs. The following factors should also be taken into account when considering the initial design and maintenance budgets:

  • Circumstances change and art works might need to be decommissioned – removed, relocated, stored or even disposed of. Public art should be designed for as long as is appropriate given the context and use of the space in which it is located.
  • It is recommended that permanent works are reconsidered every generation (20-25 years) against agreed criteria to ensure that they are still relevant and attractive in their setting.
  • Writing in a decommissioning agreement from the outset will be positively received if it is communicated in a clear and informative way and is discussed openly following consultation and explanation.