Next Concert:
A Christmas Cracker
Saturday 14th December 2019 at 7pm (doors open 6.30pm)
Venue: Stanton Harcourt Village Hall, 0X29 5SB
Tickets from choir members, St Andrew`s Bookshop, High Street, Witney,
and Rapture, Woolgate, Witney, and on line:,uk/lowerwindrush
Cost: £10 (£12 on the door) under 18s free
Start your festivities with a cracker of a concert. Come along to Stanton Harcourt Village Hall
to enjoy drinks and nibbles while listening to the choir perform Christmas music through the ages,
directed by Terry McNamara.
Spring Concert
May 30th 2020
Bach`s St John Passion
at the Methodist Church, Witney
details to be confirmed
Our Background:
Lower Windrush Choral Society was formed in 1991 and since then has sung a wide range of choral works from early and baroque music through to classical and contemporary. Our singers come from a wide ranging area, mostly in West Oxfordshire. We perform two or three concerts a year in local venues, venturing as far afield as Abingdon as well as Witney and the Lower Windrush parishes. Our professional Music Director is Terry McNamara, who is known for his patience and has been with this choir for over 10 years. Terry now lives in the area after spending some of his music career in France.
New Members September 2019 Term Dates: 9 September - 16th December inclusive
Are you interested in singing in our Christmas Concert this December 14th? Please call our Chair Jenny MacDonald on 01865 300625 to let her know you would like to come
to rehearsals.
Singers for all voice parts are welcome and we offer a reduced price membership for under 30`s. We practice on Mondays 8 - 10 pm at Stanton Harcourt Primary School during term time. We are a friendly, non auditioning choir, numbering around 50 singers. Currently we would especially welcome those who sing Tenor (the tenor section currently includes 2 ladies). We are fortunate in having a well developed bass section and more are welcome. During the past few years we have absorbed a number of enthusiastic singers, some of whom also sing with another choir. There are occasions to get to know fellow singers, as we sometimes break early to chat over a glass of something warming. There is an opportunity to sing for two sessions before making any commitment to LWCS. Those in full time education or in receipt of job seeker`s allowance have free membership. Full fee for the year is £120,
Our Earlier Events
Autumn 2019
The Lower Windrush Chamber Choir sang J.S. Bach: Cantatas 106 and 131
directed by Terry McNamara at St Mary`s Church, Bampton
Spring 2019
Handel`s Messiah was sung in St Mary`s Church, Witney with St Mary`s Singers to
celebrate the 775th Anniversary of the church.
Winter 2018 A Celebration of Parry
This concert of gorgeous melodious music by Parry, including his exquisite Ode to the Nativity
(a completely new challenge for the choir under Terry McNamara`s direction) kept us on our toes
and hopefully we gave the audience in the Methodist Church, Witney a lovely lead in to the
Season of Goodwill.
Summer 2018 - Judas Maccabeaus - Handel.
We were joined by an invited orchestra, conducted by Terry McNamara. Our soloists
Aileen Thompson, Sophie Kent, Deryck Webb and Quentin Hayes wowed the packed audience
with this stunning piece and the choir held their own!
Our Winter 2017 concert Love from Byrd to Bernstein was new style for us - a
cabaret style and as it was a sell out it seems the audience liked this venture and so did we!
"Jubilate" on May 7th, at St Mary`s Church, Church Green, Witney.
The programme included Handel The King Shall Rejoice, Vivaldi Credo,
Monteverdi Beatus Vir and Vaughan Williams Mass in G Minor (for choir and 4 soloists
including Aileen Thomson soprano, Sam Mitchell, counter tenor, Matthew Keighley, tenor and Quentin Hayes, baritone)).
Music Director Terry McNamara. Organist Francis Rumsey.
Our concert in our 25th Anniversary Year - European Baroque Music, November 20th 2016, included music
by Purcell (My Heart is Inditing), Pergolesi (Confitebor tibi, Domine) as well as excerpts from Handel`s Messiah.
Directed by Terry McNamara, with soloists Anna Shackleton, soprano, Ellie Edmonds, mezzo soprano, Deryck Webb, tenor
and Alex Jones, bass, we performed at St Mary the Virgin Church, Witney to a packed audience.
On May 15th 2016 we performed Brahms German Requiem
at St Mary the Virgin Church, Witney. Musical Director: Terry McNamara
with Soloists Anna Shackleton, soprano, and Quentin Hayes, baritone.
Our young and brilliant Pianists were Michael Pandya and Keval Shah.
It was a wonderful celebratory concert on a May evening for both the
choir and audience.
Summer Sing 2016. We met twice during summer for a relaxed singing session at St Denys, Northmoor and had fun learning some G&S including When a Wooer Goes A-wooing, Hail Poetry (Pirates of Penzance), I`m Called Little Buttercup (HMS Pinafore) and Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day (The Mikado).
Contact Details
01865 300625 - Chair Jenny MacDonald
Registered Charity No 1152661