Sound Resource runs fun, inclusive, participatory singing sessions with adults in Oxfordshire – there are no auditions, participants don’t need experience and there’s no need to read music. Sessions are guided by experienced community singing practitioners using a wide range of musical material.
The charity currently provides regular sessions in Oxford and Banbury for anyone who enjoys singing, would like to feel their confidence grow,
believes they can't sing and wants to find their natural voice, is keen to improve their health and wellbeing, and might be living with a lung condition, dementia, social, emotional and communication difficulties. Sound Resource works in partnership with local housing associations, local community associations and other local charities such as Oxfordshire Age UK. The programme is expanding! In addition, Sound Resource mentors those wishing to progress their community singing skills, provides consultancy and is developing methods for measuring the benefits of singing for wellbeing, social benefit and reduction of isolation.
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