Mazz Image is a photographer and designer, an event producer and a guest speaker.
Master of Art (Photo-media) from the University of New South Wales, Australia
Mazz has over 30 years experience documenting people, parades and festivals which celebrate the creativity and diversity of life.
Images from her travels are incorporated into exhibitions and art-films, and have been presented at events and festivals across Europe, North America and Australia. Through her experience with photography, audio/visual and design, Mazz provides creative services, consultancy and coaching to individuals, organisations, schools and event producers.
Since 2007 Mazz has actively volunteered to help produce the annual Oxford Pride, Parade, and Arts & Culture Festival. Mazz is a Human Rights and Climate Justice advocate. Qualified Arts Award Advisor (Discover & Explore, Bronze and Silver)
Oxfordshire Cultural Education Partnership | OXYGEN
Specialities: Photography, graphic design, event production, EDI speaker, creative workshops facilitator.
Contact Details
07875515499 • • • @mazzimage