MAP (Multi Arts Programme) is a county wide programme that provides accredited learning through the arts in an informal learning environment in a way that engages young people and encourages their development as individuals and active citizens.
As part of Oxfordshire County Council Youth Support Services MAP represents a new and significant development for the arts and young people in Oxfordshire. MAP works with young people aged 13-25 years from a variety of different backgrounds, including those who are NEET or at risk and those who have physical or social disabilities.
MAP delivers an ongoing programme to young people in core units across the county. Learners have access to specialist facilities and support for a variety of different arts practices, including music technology, creative writing, film making, graphic design, visual arts and photography. During individual and group projects, young people at MAP work towards an NOCN Qualification through personal target setting, self-reflective work and project planning and evaluation.
MAP also delivers programmes to a variety of outreach locations and groups e.g. young parents’ groups, young people with disabilities, homeless projects, groups of young people with their mentors and workshops with under 16’s at risk of failing at school.
MAP works with a wide range of organisations including Connexions, colleges and schools, training agencies and E2E providers, Youth Support Services, housing projects, Youth Offending Service, Drugs and Counselling services, Mentoring projects, Social and Health Services etc.
Underpinning all of MAP's work is the belief that the arts can make a difference to young people's lives by engaging them in learning where other methods have failed and by helping them develop essential skills which transfer to other areas of their lives.
For more information contact Emma Titcombe on 01865 246969