Submitted by JamFactoryArts on October 7, 2012 - 13:26
Membership Type:
Arts Organisation
The Jam Factory is a safe haven for the art enthusiasts and fresh food lovers of Oxford. Located in the heart of the west end, just a stones throw from Oxford train station, bus station, city centre shops, the Saïd Business School and Oxford's dreaming spires, Jam Factory Arts champions an unrivalled commitment to providing high-quality temporary exhibitions in the light and airy space of an old Victorian Marmalade Factory with a laid back and welcoming ethos.
Operating since November 2006, from the historical landmark of Frank Cooper's Old Marmalade Factory the Jam Factory has grown to include, an intimate dining room, bar, two galleries and a private dining space know as the 'Boiler Room'.
Contact Details
The Jam Factory
27 Park End Street